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Data Enrichment: Enhancing Threat Intelligence

Enhance threat intelligence with automated, AI-driven data enrichment. Improve workflows and situational awareness through advanced entity extraction techniques.

Effective Threat Detection with Data Enrichment

DigitalStakeout enriches aggregated data from monitors with new context, enabling users to filter results, create precise alerts, and derive new insights from visualizations. This process significantly reduces the time required to search for information and allows for faster identification of critical information.

“Data enrichment with DigitalStakeout has revolutionized our threat detection process, allowing us to quickly triage data and uncover critical insights.” – Jim, Threat Analyst

Key Features of Security Data Enrichment

  1. Field Extraction & Mapping:

    • Feature: DigitalStakeout normalizes each data record and maximizes extractions into common fields.

    • Benefit: This makes filtering and triage 80% faster for analysts, streamlining the analysis process and enhancing efficiency.

  2. Extraction of People, Places & Things:

    • Feature: Automatically identifies over 5 million mentions of people, places, and things, leveraging a source of 500+ classes and 2,500+ properties.

    • Benefit: Provides comprehensive context, enabling users to identify and understand relevant entities within their data.

  3. Geo-Extraction and Inferred Geo-Tagging:

    • Feature: Extracts location and place names from unstructured text and fields, enriching records with geographic context.

    • Benefit: Enhances the ability to link data to specific physical and network locations, improving situational awareness and analysis.

  4. Purpose-Built Classifiers for Security & Risk:

    • Feature: Spots and classifies relevant data into over 20 security-related topics, including cybersecurity, physical security, operational security, and reputation risk.

    • Benefit: Ensures timely and accurate classification of threats, enhancing the organization's security posture.

  5. Deep Sentiment Analysis:

    • Feature: Classifies data into five sentiment categories and detects hate speech, offensive language, and high-risk topics.

    • Benefit: Provides valuable insights into the tone and potential impact of the data, aiding in risk assessment and response.

  6. User-Defined Conditional Tagging:

    • Feature: Supports custom tags with an automated workflow rules engine, allowing for user-defined data tagging based on specific conditions.

    • Benefit: Enables precise data enrichment tailored to individual user needs, enhancing data organization and retrieval.

Benefits of Using Data Enrichment for Threat Detection

  • Enhanced Precision: Improves the accuracy and relevance of data analysis by providing enriched context and detailed information.

  • Comprehensive Filtering: Allows for advanced filtering options that go beyond Boolean searches, making it easier to pinpoint critical data.

  • Efficient Data Management: Reduces the time and effort required for data triage and analysis, streamlining the workflow for analysts.

  • Improved Decision-Making: Offers detailed insights and context, supporting informed decision-making and effective threat response.

DigitalStakeout’s data enrichment capabilities empower security professionals to streamline their threat detection and analysis processes, ensuring they can stay ahead of potential risks with unparalleled precision and efficiency.

Get started now! See DigitalStakeout plans and pricing.

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